
GOP Rivals Fake Conservatives

Ron Paul Backs up New Ad with Straight Talk: GOP Rivals are
Fake Conservatives

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – On the heels of a new television campaign contrasting his fiscal conservatism against the record of his opponents, Congressman Ron Paul today sharply criticized his Republican counterparts for their record of tax hikes, deficit financing and wasteful spending.

“A real fiscal conservative always votes for balanced budgets, lower spending and would never, ever raise taxes. Every one of my opponents fails that litmus test. These so-called conservatives are misleading the American people about their records,” said Dr. Paul.

In a newly released TV ad entitled "The Only One", airing in Super Tuesday primary states, the campaign says that Dr. Paul is the only candidate who has "Never supported a tax increase. Never supported an unbalanced budget. Never supported wasteful government spending.” To view the ad, click Here.

"It is interesting to see all of these guys calling each other liberals. The fact is they are all telling the truth. They are all a bunch of liberals...and Republican conservative voters know that. This is why real conservative leaders like Barry Goldwater, Jr. have endorsed me," continued Dr. Paul, a 10-term Republican Congressman from Texas.

Dr. Paul strongly supported Ronald Reagan's campaign for President in Texas in 1976 and was one of four members of Congress that year to endorse Reagan over Gerald Ford.

"When I was leading the Reagan delegation to the Republican National Convention, most of my opponents were voting for Democrats or cheering for Ford. And now they want us to believe they are true conservatives? It's all politics, it’s a sham and everyone knows it. That's why they are having a hard time getting true conservative voters to support them," concluded Dr. Paul.

Dr. Paul has consistently been named "The Taxpayers' Best Friend" by the National Taxpayers Union for having the strongest record in “voting for lower taxes, less spending, balanced budgets and upholding the Constitution."

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