
Terminology Primer for those new to the Ron Paul movement
Posted on The DailyPaul by Storyteller

For those new to the movement, hello and welcome :)

I noticed that those who have been in the movement for some time use terminology that may not be familiar to newcomers, so I've started this thread to clear this up a bit. If this thread serves its purpose I will expand on it over time.

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MSM (Also Old Media or Corporate Media): Mainstream Media. Fox, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, etc.
Nearly every major newspaper in the US is owned by the same 6 companies: http://www.thenation.com/...

Faux News: (Faux - French for Fake) Fox News has become the most hated of the already hated MSM within the movement for their blatant falsifications and their overt animosity toward Ron Paul.

Constitution: The Constitution of the United States was a contractual agreement between each of the states and the federal government by which the federal government drew its authority from the consent of the governed, and which specifically outlined the limited authority and abilities of the federal government. The return of Liberty and the Constitution are the foremost focal points of the movement.

Liberty: The philosophy that any person should be allowed to act according to their own desires and principles, provided they do not interfere with the Liberty of others. Our government Of, By, and For the people was created to serve the minimalistic function of securing the Liberty of its people from tyranny, whether foreign or domestic and providing a sound currency. The Constitution of the United States was designed in such a way that the government could assume no rights not possessed by the People themselves, including taking the rights of others. Liberty is both sublimely simple, and widely misunderstood. There is a video called "The Philosophy of Liberty" that explains it rather well, if a bit simplistically: http://youtube.com/watch?...

Tyranny: The opposite of Liberty. A group or single individual capable of exercising authority above and beyond the individual rights of its citizens. Absolute authority in which the wellbeing of the State takes precedence over the wellbeing of the individual.

Democracy: Often mistaken for Liberty. Democracy has several forms, but all forms share in common the thought of Majority Rule. This was discussed at length by the Founding Fathers before drafting the Constitution. Democracy is inherently at odds with Liberty as it allows Factions to dictate the rights allowed to individuals.

Factions: Any group that shares a political intent. The founding Fathers instituted our Constitutional Republic as a means to defend the Liberty of individuals against Faction. This is discussed at length in the Federalist Papers, particularly Federalist Paper #10

Federalist Papers: After the drafting of the Constitution a number of states were wary to sign a binding agreement of fealty to a larger governing body, having just escaped such a body at great expense. Several articles appeared in various New York newspapers addressing issues of why the states should not sign the Constitution called the Anti-Federalist Papers. Several of the Founding Fathers (writing under the pen name Pluribus) posted articles specifically expounding the issues raised in the Anti-Federalist Papers, which came to be known collectively as the Federalist Papers. You could think of them as "The owners manual for the Constitution of the United States."

Republic: A Republic is a system whereby officials are elected by the People (It is hoped for their wisdom) to represent their interests within a governmental body.

Constitutional Republic: Having studied various Republican governments throughout history, the Founding Fathers took the best elements of each and devised what they hoped would be the system most likely to fairly represent the Liberty of each individual without falling victim to Faction. The result was a Constitutional Republic in which officials were to be elected by the people, yet were to be restrained by a Constitution which granted the federal government very narrow avenues of authority.

Amendments: The Constitution laid the framework for the structure of the federal government, and left room for amendments to be made to alter certain parts of the Constitution should the need arise.

Bill of Rights: The first 10 amendments to the Constitution, which provide protections for the basic Liberties thought to define a free society from the encroachment of government.

Rights: Those abilities of the People, the existence of which (or lack thereof due to governmental interference) differentiate a free society from slavery.

States Rights: The 10th Amendment to the Constitution states, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." The violation of this amendment is the foundation of nearly all other trespasses the federal government has committed against the Constitution, the States, and the People.

Sovereignty: The ability for a nation to make and enforce its own laws according to it's own governing structure, rather than being coerced by other nations or alliances.

Habeas Corpus: The right of one who is incarcerated to challenge the authenticity of their captivity in court. Without the right to Habeas Corpus one may be detained indefinitely without legal counsel, and even without being charged with any specific crime.

Free Market: The ability of a free people to determine by means of spending and saving the value of items and services.

Capitalism: A system of monetary deployment by which free citizens may gather resources from investors to promote a good or service in a free market with hopes of an increased return on their investments.

Socialism: Any of a diverse group of monetary systems in which a governing political body determines which goods or services are deserving of investment and allocates the resources of its governed on their behalf.

Communism: A form of Socialism in which a governing body attempts to equalize distribution of resources among the governed, eliminating social classes. See also Hitlery.

Corporatism (Also called Fascism): A form of Socialism whereby a governing political body becomes indistinct from and often subservient to corporate interests. See also The Anti-Paul.

Conservative: Literally "To conserve, protect or maintain". Usually divided into:
Social Conservatism: The belief in preserving traditional
beliefs and behaviors (Though what is considered
traditional may vary widely)

Fiscal Conservatism: The belief that government should
spend as little money of the governed as possible.

Liberal: Historically a political ideology that seeks to maximize individual liberties (More recently used to mean Socialist, or the opposite of Conservative).
Sometimes (Though not usually) divided as is Conservatism into:
Social Liberalism: Maximizing individual Liberties

Fiscal Liberalism: Providing maximal governmental
support and social programs at the expense of taxpayers.
(See Socialism)

Neoconservative (Also called Neocons): A relatively new alternative to Conservatism and Liberalism which blends the two together, often while masquerading as true Conservatism. Neoconservatism emphasizes foreign policy as the paramount responsibility of government, seeing the need for the U.S. acting as the world's sole superpower as indispensable to establishing and maintaining global order.

Guns and Butter: During times of war, the means of production gear more and more toward military purposes. Being as any nation possesses only limited resources, there must be a tradeoff between the allocation of military and non-military resources. Thus most wars have ended due to the attrition of inadequate resources for both the war and the well being of a nations people. As more and more of a nations production turns toward military ends, the inevitable result is a tightening of resources at home, which leads to dissatisfaction among the nations people who have ceased to enjoy the fruits of their own labor. Guns and Butter refers to attempting to circumvent this natural limitation through means such as inflation and borrowing money from foreign nations. This money must eventually be paid back, which leaves the nation far less prosperous for many years.

Minimum Wage: One of the earlier moves toward Socialism in the US. Minimum Wage has long been a political selling point due to the common thought that it is actually beneficial to the poor, while it is quite the opposite, consistently raising cost of living well above the actual income hike. Google Milton Friedman for some very good views on the subject.

CFR: The Council on Foreign Relations is a privately owned/funded organization made up of a number of very wealthy banking and political interests formed in 1921 with the goal of subverting the self-governship of the United States in favor of a one world government. This movement toward a single world government is also called Globalism, and the goal of a single world class structure is often referred to as the New World Order or NWO. Though often tied into "Evil" conspiracy theories, the NWO is a legitimate political ideology. The vast majority of Dr Pauls supporters and Dr Paul himself oppose globalism in favor of Liberty. Other similar councils/agencies exist including the Trilateral Commission, World Trade Organization (WTO) and others.

NAU: The North American Union. A proposed merging of the United States, Canada and Mexico into a single governmental body similar to the European Union. Many in the movement are alarmed at the move towards a North American Union, as it seriously erodes US sovereignty. Texas legislature recently voted unanimously against a bill that would confiscate a large portion of land under Eminent Domain for the building of a portion of the proposed NAFTA superhighway, which as proposed will connect Canada, the United States and Mexico. Many fear this will make enforcing immigration laws impossible and see it as just one step toward forcing the NAU on unwilling Americans.

NWO: The New World Order. A singular all-powerful world government which supercedes the sovereignty of all nations. A long time goal of several different political denominations such as Fascism and Socialism and Communism. Often tied to Evil or Satanic motives by those more inclined toward conspiracy theorism. The idea of a singular government is of great appeal to many as a means of ending violence based on nationality and religion, but must be instated by force which many feel negates it's own purpose.

FEMA: The Federal Emergency Management Agency operates under the assumed role of disaster relief. Many within the movement have strong animosity toward FEMA for their policy of disarming civilians before assisting in any fashion, and for their blockade of civilian attempts to assist in New Orleans after the large flood on 2005.

Blackwater: Blackwater Worldwide is a private mercenary-for-hire agency contracted by the US government. There has been much controversy surrounding a number of different incidents involving the company.

Fiat Currency: Currency such as the current US Dollar with no real wealth to give it value. It's value is based upon trust. The Constitution specifically forbids using any currency other than Gold and Silver as legal tender due to the inherent abuses in money whos value is determined at the whim of a small group (In this case the Federal Reserve) through inflation and deflation. see also Petro-dollar.

Fiat Legislation: Legislation which reflect personal/partisan/political aims of appointed officials rather than simply clarification of Constitutional laws. Laws passed on a whim without regard to Constitutionality or historical precedence.

16th Amendment: The 16th amendment to the US Constitution allowed direct taxation on an individuals income. This is highly controversial for a number of reasons. A major reason being that the amendment was voted on after most members of the house had gone home for the holidays. Some reports say the amendment was unanimously voted into law by only 3 representatives. Many hold that the 16th and 17th amendments (Passed the same year) were quite literally a bloodless coup in which the US government was permanently overthrown by a handful of powerful bankers.

17th amendment: The Founding Fathers were well versed in the many Republican forms of government tried throughout history, and noted that the Executive branch always grew in power and dominated the other 2 branches of government (Legislative and Judicial). To avoid this they designed a Checks and Balances system which pitted the power of each governmental branch against the other. Much of the Legislative branch's power came from the ability to directly appoint the Senate. The 17th amendment permanently changed this allowing for the election of Senators which gutted Congresses power and allowed the executive branch nearly limitless authority.

The Fed: The Federal Reserve central bank. Also used in reference to the Board of Directors of the Federal Reserve.

FRNs (Also Federal Reserve Notes): Many in the movement refuse to call US Dollars anything but Federal Reserve Notes in protest of the fiat currency which federal law demands we must use as legal tender. Ron Paul would like to legalize gold and silver as competing currency in accordance with the Constitution.

Petro-Dollar: Federal Reserve Notes value is tied directly to oil producing nations trading exclusively in the US dollar. This creates a need for other nations to invest in the US dollar for their energy needs. It is a widely held belief within the movement that much of the US involvement in the Middle East is based upon keeping the Petro-dollar system in place. Several nations are considering (Or have already) ending the dollar/oil monopoly, leading to decreased dependence of foreign nations on the US dollar, and thus decreasing its value. See also IOB.

IOB: Iranian Oil Bourse. Iran recently announced its intent to cease accepting Federal Reserve Notes in exchange for oil. This threatens the value of the petro-dollar and has neocons chomping at the bit for any excuse to invade Iran. Recently at least 5 high traffic internet lines were severed, drastically reducing Iranian internet capabilities. This is hard to explain as happenstance, and many see this as an act of aggression perpetrated by the US.

Blowback: A term (I believe originating within the CIA) referring to the consequences of our aggressive foreign policy. Many believe that the September 11th attacks were Blowback from our occupation of Muslim countries and the confiscation of their wealth.

The Anti-Paul: Senator John McCain. Widely considered a liberal in conservatives clothing, and heralded by many as the end of the Republican Party.

Hitlery: Senator Hillary Clinton. Well known for personal ties to Socialist/Communist leaders, Hillarys husband Bill Clinton (Former 42nd president of the United States) has been called family by George H.W. Bush, Barbara Bush, and George W. Bush leading many to consider her presidential run as an attempt to continue a dynasty spread over 2 family lines and spanning 19 consecutive years.

9/11: A term used by trolls to discourage potential Ron Paul supporters. Also used by the current administration to force draconian laws upon the American People and entangle the US in unwinnable and unending wars. See also The Anti-Paul.

Truthers (Or derogatorily Troofers): Those who believe that the US government or factions therein orchestrated or enabled the September 11th 2001 attacks the the World Trade Center.

The Revolution (Also rEVOLution, r3\/0_|ution and Revolution 2.0): The movement to return to the Rule of Law whereby the federal government is to be held accountable to strict guidelines provided by the Constitution rather than fiat legislation.

The Matrix: (Morpheus: "The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth." Neo: "What truth?" Morpheus: "That you are a slave, Neo. That you, like everyone else, was born into bondage" - From the movie The Matrix). References to the movie The Matrix are often made within the movement. Many would go so far as to say that the movie was designed deliberately to assist in the forming of The Revolution. If you haven't haven't seen the movie yet you should. I mean you really should. Steal it if you have to. See also The Red Pill/The Blue Pill and Agents. The term is often used to describe the consensus reality of the Sleepers, or those whos view of reality is largely based on media falsehoods. See also The Sleepers.

The Red Pill/The Blue Pill: ("You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes" - From the movie The Matrix). The Red Pill/Blue Pill distinction is generally made within the movement to distinguish between those who have come to believe that America has been hijacked by those with a globalist agenda and that the media are spoon feeding Americans a false palatable reality, and those who do not. See also The Sleepers.

The Sleepers: The term is commonly used within the movement to denote subscribers to consensus reality, drawing much of their world view from the MSM and discarding inconvenient facts out of hand with a blanket "Conspiracy theories" negation.

Agents: ("You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be unplugged and many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, they will fight to protect it." - from the movie The Matrix). The word Agent is used within the movement to denote any person (Whether acting as part of a group or organization, or independently) who seeks to undermine the movement whether by deception, demoralization or other means.

V for Vendetta: Another must see movie. Based on a 10 part comic book series. Like The Matrix, many feel that the movie was intended to start a revolution. Loosely based on the Gunpowder Plot of England. V, the central figure of the film, wears a Guy Fawkes mask throughout the movie. Such masks have seen rather widespread use throughout the course of this movement due to the effectiveness of them in the film.

Guy Fawkes: Probably the best known of several co-conspirators behind the Gunpowder Plot.

The Gunpowder Plot: On November 5th 1605 an attempt was made to demolish the English Houses of Parliament with the full body of Parliament inside. The plot failed when Guy Fawkes was caught guarding the powder shortly before the intended explosion.

America: Freedom to Fascism: Possibly the most important film to see if one intends to understand the impetus behind the movement. The film discusses everything from the founding of the Fed to the RealID and beyond. Many within the movement are burning as many copies as possible to distribute to the Sleepers.

Martial Law: A state in which the normal systems of justice are suspended and put under military control. Most or all civil rights are "Temporarily" suspended and punishments are vastly increased.

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